Reflecting on 2019 and Keeping it Colorful All 2020
Color (my go-to for keeping life positive) plays a very important role in both my personal and professional journey and to be honest, I don’t know if I can go a day without wearing a pop or color (or two). The year of 2019 was one best years of my life, as I reflect on my professional career, new life in D.C., and the growth of my business. On the other hand, it was also a year in which I learned many lessons about myself (how to navigate and react to tough business conversations, adventuring around D.C. without a car, e.g.), took inventory of my strengths and areas of improvement, and learned to let go and find encouragement, inspiration, and power through supporters like you. That’s why I’m kicking off 2020 with a post about my reflections, my excitement for what’s ahead, and how my passion for living in ‘color’ (aka spreading positivity) impacts all areas of my life.
Think Positive. Be Positive.
When I think about 2019…
I think about the NEW life I’ve built in Washington, D.C. I’ve written a few blog post about my move and provided a few updates along the way, but in all transparency, this year has been one of the most eye-opening experiences. It’s always easy to retreat to the comforts of home by having friends and family near, but 2019 was not a year of “comfort” for me. I moved to this city without any immediate friends, no family members near, and no car. Instead of focusing on the ‘comforts’ I didn’t have, I’ve put energy into finding solutions and creating opportunities for myself and my business in this amazing city. Now, I’m so glad to honestly call this place ‘home’ and can’t imagine living anywhere else (at least, for the moment).
I think about my new friends and relationships. I love meeting and getting to know new people! In fact, this has added a lot of value and creativity to my life, because I believe no matter the person, their background, and their passion(s), everyone brings a new perspective to the table. In being intentional about making new connections, I joined a lot of MeetUp groups that interest my personality and business endeavors, attended events on Eventbrite, and reached out to local bloggers, business owners, and other creatives across the D.C. area. I look forward to creating even stronger bonds this year!
I think about the overall growth of More Than Your Average. If I ever told you that I thought MTYA would growth this fast and become as well connected within a year of being in D.C, I’d be lying. Prior to moving, I had a lot of anxiety about where my business would go, due to not knowing anyone and not being familiar with the market in this area. Instead of thinking about the “what ifs”, I’ve flipped the script and have made D.C. the place “I envision”. Let’s just say, my vision is coming true!
Nobody is YOU and that’s YOUR superpower.
When I think about 2020….
I think about continuing to paint the city with plenty of color. One of the best experiences I’ve had while living in D.C., is riding the train amongst a sea of neutrals and being the only person wearing a bright pink coat or carrying a bold orange purse. I’m a BIG believer in the '‘signs of life’ and this “train visual”, reiterates to me the power of painting the city with plenty of MTYA color and love. That’s why, I’m so excited about continuing to build a brand that celebrates the power of color and boldness, across a city that hasn’t yet been introduced to what I’m here to offer.
I think about continuing to immerse myself in the power of the ‘unknown’ and being OK with not having it all figured out, planned to the tee, or knowing when my next major opportunity will come. I’m a huge planner and have always struggled with the ‘unknown’ over the course of my entire life. It’s hard for me to not have it all figured out, when it comes to running my business or in my professional life. Due to the anxiety and the mental capacity it’s taken in “trying to figure it all out’, I’m putting up a “stop sign” and allowing opportunities to come as they WILL. I’m a strong believe in, “what’s for you, will be for you!”, so I’m ready to put my thoughts into action and believe and know that at the end of the day, “what’s for me, will be!”
I think about celebrating you and building deeper relationships with the virtual world of MTYA supporters. I’ve always been camera shy and retract when it comes to “Insta stories”. My sister tells me all the time to “be me and show the world!” When I think about chatting with you on video, I always think about what I should say (I’m pretty sure we all do to some capacity), or how I look (even if I’m sitting on the couch in a t-shirt uploading inventory, while having a bad hair day). Correct me if I’m wrong, but none of this should matter if my intent is to build honest and transparent relationships with you. Am I right? Of course I want to represent my brand 24/7, but I’m also human and do enjoy no makeup/bad hair days. Building deeper relationships with you is a priority of mine, even if that comes at the expense of you seeing me on what I would entitle, “a rough day!”
In reflecting on 2019 and expressing my excitement for 2020, this list can go on and on! My life has been a remarkable journey that can’t be summed up in the past year or even moving forward, but I’m truly excited about sharing more updates with you along the way. It’s fun for me to not only utilize my blog platform for showcasing, “What’s New to the MTYA website”, but building a deeper relationship with you through my most vulnerable reflections along with my most life changing moments. Cheers to 2020 and to you for being so awesome!