2018, I Hope You’re Ready!
2018, Get Ready.
New Year Goals & Resolutions
Don’t you just love the start of a New Year? It’s time to leave whatever occurred in 2017 behind and push forward to the amazing opportunities, possibilities, and greatness that is in front of you. When I think of a New Year, I think of pushing myself to the next level to go beyond my comfort zone. The year of 2017 was nothing short of amazing! When immediately reflecting on the entire year, I’m filled with joy. During that year, personally I received my Masters Degree in Community and Leadership Development from the University of Kentucky, continued to participate in board meeting/outreach events with my local community of Lexington, Kentucky, started a phenomenal job at Feeding America in which I’m able to follow my passion in working to combat child hunger throughout the United States, went on a lovely and much needed vacation with my family to Gulf Shores Alabama, and cheered with excitement as my sister moved to Nashville, TN. Business wise, I started More Than Your Average (MTYA) in October, attended a couple of pop events, begin blogging as apart of establishing my business, styled and participated in plenty of photo shoots, had an article written about my business in the local newspaper, partnered with Fox House Vintage to have my pieces available in-store while also having an online platform, attended a couple of networking events in which I was able to collaborate/network with other creatives in my community, and ended the year by participating in my first fashion show ever.
While a lot occurred throughout the year, both ups and downs, I’m truly grateful for each and every experience. I’m one of those people who believe that everything happens for a reason and I strongly believe that I wouldn’t be in the position I am today without hard work, dedication, support, positivity, and the willingness to take risk. While there were challenges that took place along the way, my goal isn’t to focus on those in this post, but to highlight some of the wonderful things. On New Years Eve, I spent my last day of the 2017 year in a church service with my family. While I could have celebrated with friends at a bar or stayed in the comfort of my home, I chose to bear the cold weather, get dressed up in my sequin blazer and red lipstick, and celebrate the end of the year in church. One message that really stuck to my heart during service, is when one of the preachers talked about how we should let go of everything that is causing us stress, toxic relationships, or bringing us down. The preacher noted this: “Reach. Press. Let go of the mess” That message really made me think about how I overcame my barriers in 2017.
I note this to say that I’m ready for this New Year, because I know I’m strong enough to endure whatever is thrown my way. Additionally, I know that if I reflect, strategize, and write out some goals I have in this New Year, I will be accountable, focused, and stay steady in achieving those goals. Below, you will read about some of business and personal goals I have for this year. Maybe these goals will help you in reflecting, outlining, and strategizing for how you will make 2018 your best year by challenging yourself, possibly becoming a business owner, setting the stage for greatness, or even just thinking bigger in order to achieve your dreams.
2018 Goals for More Than Your Average (MTYA)
Building Brand Awareness
Whether this is a goal now or three years from now, this goal will always be on my to-do list for any New Year. I don’t think you can ever stop building your brand. Whether, that is through in person conversations, handing out business cards, or promoting yourself through social media, this is a much needed goal for any brand/business you are trying to establish. At least from my perspective. How I plan to continue to build my brand both visually and online through various platforms, is through consistency. My goal is to continue to maintain my schedule per social media platform in order to build new followers, increase engagement, and to also promote what event/discounts/giveaways are taking place. In reference to online platforms, my goal is to challenge myself in finding the gaps, improvements, along with receiving more feedback from my followers whether through on-line polls, direct messaging or comments. In addition to my online platforms I would like to publicly participate in more pop-up events, fashion shows, along with networking opportunities that are offered throughout my community and while traveling to various cities. My participation in these various public events, will also allow me to build my brand, have in person conversations, and to promote my overall brand.
Partnerships with Local Businesses/Organizations
You can never network enough, especially when you own your own businesses. In 2017, I had the wonderful opportunity of meeting other small businesses owners, attending networking events, and also meeting and greeting with other bloggers in the area and out of state. One partnership I’m very appreciative of is my collaboration with Fox House Vintage. Last year, I was able to maintain my online store, but also place my finds in-store at Fox House. My goal for this year is to strategize on additional partnerships I can create with other small business owners, in order to have additional opportunities for expanding my brand. Whether, that is with other small business owners or local businesses whose missions and goals align with MTYA. Within Lexington, surrounding counties, and possibly out of state, I see a lot of potential opportunities to collaborate and I look forward to making those partnerships happen in the New Year.
Expanding Participation in Community Events
I’ve seen in 2017 that partnerships and networking with others, has fostered a lot of opportunities for MTYA to participate in community events. Last year, I received a handful of invitations to participate in community pop-up events along with my first fashion show. I recognized that my participation in these events, allowed me to easily promote my brand, expand awareness, and create new friendships. My brand is ever evolving and participating in these events allowed me to think out of the box and to think broadly about events I can become apart of this year. My goal is to outline a full calendar of possible participation events and at least participating in one event per month.
Personal Goals for 2018
Grow More Than Your Average (MTYA)
Of course, I had to put this down as a personal goal, because I represent my brand and my business means so much to me. Aside from the other components of my personal life, my business plays a major role in my life. I love it! My business reflects me and who I am. I’ve recognized in 2017 that in order for my business to grow, I have to grow along with it. That means that I have to step out of my comfort zone, continue to be on top of it, persevere, maintain consistency, think big, and remain positive. Each of these qualities represent me and in order for me to grow my business, I have to be the best of me. I know there are going to be challenges along the road, but those aren’t going to keep me from pushing forward to accomplish what I’ve set for myself along with my business. For this year, my goal is to continue to step out of my comfort zone (whether that is challenging myself to hand out five business cards per day), in order to reach beyond myself and to grow what reflects me (my business).
Cook More Often/Learn How to Cook
You’re probably laughing right now and so am I! I’m one of those people who rarely cook and that is a problem. I love to eat, but I find it challenging for myself to actually take the time out to cook a glorious meal. Should I blame it on being too busy or just plain laziness? I’m not for sure, but I do know that when I actually attempt to cook a meal, it taste amazing. Maybe I just need some extra encouragement to get this ball rolling in the New Year. I find that when I cook, I usually cook the same old recipes (chicken alfredo), which can be very boring at times. My goal for the New Year is to take time out for cooking, finding new recipes, and achieving patience through the entire process. If you come across/have some fun and simple recipes to offer, send them my way!
Pay it Forward, Spread the Love
I love volunteering in my community and helping others! Don’t you? My heart becomes filled with so much love and happiness, when I’m able to step outside of myself and help someone else that is need. Over the past four years, I’ve dedicated myself to volunteering in my community, sitting on local boards whose missions is to combat a specific cause, and professionally wise have worked for major non-profits whose mission is to combat hunger. Outside of my professional life and volunteering, I would like to challenge myself daily to pay it forward. Whether, that is through making someone smile, buying someone a coffee, holding the door open, buying someone’s groceries, or just meeting a new friend. There is no limit on giving and I think we all should challenge ourselves to do more of this. For me, it makes me feel good about the world, myself, and the person I’m striving each and every day to become.
While I didn’t fully outline my entire goals for both my business along with my personal life, I hope these goals will give you the motivation, inspiration, or boost to begin reflecting on what you hope to achieve this New Year. Of course, you’re probably saying to yourself, “I’ve already planned out my goals!” That may be the case, but it never hurts to receive inspiration from others or also lean on others for support. This year, More Than Your Average along with myself are prepared for this year and I hope you are too!